Higher Education
The University of South Carolina – Business Partnership Foundation was incorporated on Sept. 16, 1969. With that act, a partnership between the business and academic communities was formalized with a commitment to make the Moore School one of the best in the world.
USC - Business Partnership Foundation
About Us
While state funds have historically provided the base for the Moore School’s growth, private financial support has been vital for the achievement of true excellence in business education. As the University of South Carolina is state-assisted, not state-supported, only about 10 percent of the university’s annual operating budget is provided by legislative appropriations. Thus, an important role of the Business Partnership Foundation (BPF) is to solicit contributions for the enhancement of the business school.
In addition to providing supplemental financial support for the school, the BPF acts as an advisory body to ensure that the school remains attuned to the needs of those it serves. The foundation provides a focus, therefore, for the partnership between the business sector and the university that is essential to the continued qualitative growth of the school.
The BPF is a 501(c)3 entity, so contributions to the foundation are deductible as permitted by state and federal tax regulations. The foundation’s activities are governed by a board of trustees, comprising outstanding leaders from the private and public sectors.
The essential purpose of the University of South Carolina - Business Partnership Foundation is to make the Darla Moore School of Business one of the best in the world.